As a community across the County of Somerset based in the County Town, we’re privileged to pray for many local charities and organisations who love our community like Jesus.
We hear updates from the local charities regularly and love it when they visit the prayer room virtually online or in-person, we’ve listed most of them below. They make such a difference for our communities.
If you’d like us to pray for your charity making a difference in our local communities do get in touch we’d love to join with you and see our communities and County transformed.
Foodbank – We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.
ROC – Redeeming our communities – Piloting a night café for rough sleepers which has resulted in ROC TD leading on the provision of a severe weather shelter from the end of 2019, and beginning to develop a toolkit for facilitating initiatives and projects for use by individuals within their own communities have been two of the highlights. Through connections made at the action group, we were invited by Somerset County Council to join the discussion about how we can meet the needs of families in need of low-level support in light of funding cuts. ROC+COACH mentoring, it became apparent very quickly, was the perfect fit! Initial discussions with a local multi-academy trust, health visitors and family intervention workers have shown that there will be no shortage of referrers, and God has provided the perfect coordinator for this scheme in Ali, who herself has a passion, and career history, in supporting families.
PURSUIT – a weekly gathering the people of Somerset to pray in community, with live worship, prayer leaders and hosting a space for people of God to connect.
CHARIS is working with Reset to shape a national community-led resettlement programme to support refugees affected by the Syrian crisis, as they rebuild their lives in the UK. We are funded by the Home Office and philanthropic foundations, mobilising the skills, resources and compassion of communities, faith groups, businesses and refugee charities.
Taunton Youth for Christ is involved in youth and schools work. We work in partnership; with churches, schools, the local police, the local authority and other community organisations. We run mentoring, youth clubs, detached work in the Halcon area and much more.
Taunton Street Pastors – Street Pastors are trained Christian volunteers from local churches who care about our community. We are usually on patrol from 10.00 pm untl 4 am every Saturday night, walking around the town centre and staffing ‘Safe Space, a free street cafe offering hot drinks, biscuits and a listening ear. We offer a friendly greeting to all those we meet and seek to care, listen and provide practical help within our capabilities to help everyone enjoy their night out and get home safely.
CAP – Poverty just loves to destroy lives. It breaks families apart, isolates people from friends and family, shatters confidence and drives many to think that suicide is the only way out.
UK poverty is real, with millions locked in its miserable grip. We’re not prepared to sit back and let it wreak havoc across our nation. That’s why CAP is on a mission. To restore hope for those who are lost and hurting. In partnership with incredible local churches across the UK, we’re bringing life-changing freedom and good news to people in desperate need. Always through the Church. Always hope. Contact the local centre through main website or Taunton Vineyard Church.
Chaplaincy – The aim of the Taunton Team Chaplaincy is to advance the Christian faith in the town by providing care, witness and prayer in a wide range of community and workplace locations. Browse our website to find out more about the Chaplaincy, where we serve and how you can get involved.
BESOM – The purpose of the Besom is to be a bridge between those members and groups from local churches in the Taunton and Wellington area who want to give and those who are in need. To get an idea of what The Besom can achieve see the activities page.
24/7 Prayer Room – a space open 24 hours a day to pray, prayer and worship events take place here and also the building is open to book for personal prayer. A space for anyone in the county and beyond to take time to connect with Jesus. Events also take place online
TLG Make Lunch The scale of holiday hunger is huge, with over 1.5 million children receiving Free School Meals and millions more children living in poverty. It poses an urgent question. What happens to the children in your community during the thirteen weeks of the school holidays? For too many, the food runs out. Make Lunch enables and equips churches to bring hope to struggling children through holiday lunch clubs. Each club provides free, hot and healthy meals to children and families who would otherwise go hungry. Through TLG Make Lunch, your church can provide vital support to some of the most vulnerable children in your community and, in addition, build relationships with families in desperate need of the loving support of your compassionate church family. – For Taunton centres contact Wellsprings Community Church, Oakwood Church or Taunton Vineyard Church.
School Pastors – School and college pastors are volunteers who commit themselves to the service of young people in their community, offering a reassuring and friendly presence to students who may not feel able to speak openly to teachers or parents. They also work to enhance the safety and emotional and social well-being of students through caring, listening and helping. Currently this takes place at the Taunton Academy.
AWAKEN – A young adult community based in Taunton but serving the West Country, bringing together young adults into a community where social events, worship nights and other groups take place often.