
Awaken is a group from 15+ churches, passionate about gathering & encouraging young adults (18-30s) through worship & community. Most of our events take place in the Taunton Deane area, check out our upcoming events below.

We also work closely with young adult communities across the South West, if you are new to the area or would like to partner in any way please do get in touch!

Upcoming Events


Thursday 17th October

YWAM Mazatlan teams will be joining the 6:30am prayer mornings (guys prayer morning at Greenway Chapel, Girls at Taunton location) and at 7:00pm in the evening for a time of praying for each other, worship and hearing about how to follow the Holy Spirit, evening location New Creation Church, Taunton.

Saturday 19th October

Come and hang out Saturday morning with a visiting YWAM Mazatlan team, we’ll be sharing food (10:30am at Greenway Chapel 81 Greenway, Monkton Heathfield, Taunton TA2 8NH), and having a time of evangelism (OPEN TO ALL AGES! Leaving at 1pm from North Street Church front gates).

You can also join us on Sunday 20th October for Pursuit at 7:30pm at North Street Church. OPEN TO ALL AGES

Friday 22nd November 7:30pm

Girls night and Guys night, a time to connect, pray and be encouraged. Taking place at two homes in Taunton, message us for info.

Guys night will take place at Greenway Chapel, 81 Greenway, Monkton Heathfield, Taunton TA2 8NH

Girls night location TBC

Saturday 4th January 2025

Last year we hosted a regional young adult event called RESET, this year the theme is ‘READY’, a call to be ready for Jesus return (Mark 13v32-37). Are the priorities in our life correct, what is stopping us being ready, are we lukewarm?

*EARLY BIRD ticket discount until 5th November: code ‘EARLY2025’

Save the date! Guest speakers and worship teams (so far Josh Green from 24/7 Prayer and Central Church Worship are joining us), more info & bookings coming soon….

What better way to start the year than with a room full of young adults expectant to worship Jesus and hear awesome teaching from guest speakers. This year we’re hosting another day working with young adult ministries across the South West, be sure to put the date in the diary and join us!

32 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33 Be on guard! Be alert[e]! You do not know when that time will come. 34 It’s like a man going away: He leaves his house and puts his servants in charge, each with their assigned task, and tells the one at the door to keep watch.

35 “Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back—whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. 36 If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. 37 What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’”

Weekly events:

Mens prayer morning 6:30am on Thursdays at Greenway Chapel, TA2 8NH

Womens prayer morning 6:30am on Thursdays

Football on Fridays in Taunton (for info email us)

Netball in Taunton (for info email us)

You can also join in the the prayer room events for all ages:
MonFri) Daily prayer gatherings at 7:30am.

Other events in the area


A group of us will be heading up to Wembley for July 7th 2024. Join us or make your own way there – do book your place for this National Gathering!

Once again a highlight of the year will be our Summer Young Adult camp, there is an early bird discount until the end of May, spaces are limited so please do book your tickets ASAP. Food & space in a tent is included. The venue for this year will once again be Wildside Experience in the remote Blackdown Hills near the historic Dunkeswell Abbey.

Our Summer event of the year! CAMP

Saturday 26th February @7:30pm – Circuit Riders ‘Carry the Love’ Tour 2022 in Taunton

THE CHAPEL – Friday 12th April 2024

We’re gathering for a special acoustic worship night at The Chapel. During COVID these times were very special. Do join us 7:30pm at Greenway Chapel, Monkton Heathfield. Contact us for more details.

Guest speakers include: Simon Guillebaud MBE (Author, Founder of Great Lakes Outreach). Dominic Muir (Founder of Davids Tent & Bread). Joycelyn Parker (Previously part of Bethel & Moral Revolution). James Odgers (Founder of The Besom, inspired by early work with Jackie Pullinger, founder of Stream Farm & Author). Plus we’ll be joined by Yeovil Community Church worship team and Matt Lewis who heads up the Prayer for Davids Tent.

Supporting Student & Young Adult workers in the Somerset area – (29th November 2021)

31st July – Awaken Festival

The festival day ticket can be booked below (10am-10pm on Saturday 31st). Visiting guests from South West and beyond with lots of worship, activities, Q&A, talks, food, drink & prayer tent. Limited capacity for event so book soon if you are coming, some food tickets also still left.

Here’s a few some info about some of the guests coming…

Above all we want to meet with King Jesus and worship our hearts out…

Megan Topper – From London Alive Church, she started singing in the prayer room when she was around 14 and has been hooked ever since! She’ll be running a session with Kate Solanki (Chair of Taunton Youth for Christ) and later on a prayer intercession with prayer room / Pursuit leader Pat Delling-Williams.

Release Academy Bristol – A team are running prophetic appointments during the day. Based in Bristol their vision is to train up a generation of Revivalists and Reformers, radical lovers of Jesus who passionately desire life-changing encounters with Him.

Doug & Michal Anderson – Both part of Release Academy Bristol, Doug is a pastor a LoveBristol Church and will be brining a short evening message at the evening worship.

Rev Dr Nick Griffin with a background in youth ministry, university chaplaincy, academic theology lecturing and now Vicar of St George’s Church, Wilton, Taunton, is passionate about encouraging and equipping the church through the Word to be able to carry out the mission of God. Join him as he explores the calling of the Lord in our lives, to grow the church in spirit and number

Fusion – Roscoe Crawley is joining us from the nationwide Fusion team, they are an inspirational team reaching young adults and students across the UK with amazing stories.

Prayer Ministry & Panel Guests – Experienced local leaders with a rich background of mission, YWAM, ministry and teaching are joining us to share their experiences and join us for prayer ministry. Be sure to make the most of their experience and grab a coffee with them!

Worship will be lead by our own worship team at Awaken, Sim and the team from Yeovil Community Church & Megan Topper.

9th- 12th September 2021AWAKEN camp

Circuit Riders/Carry the Love @AWAKEN Worship Night February, Saturday 8th 2020

Orphan No More @ AWAKEN Worship Night March, Friday 13th 2020

AWAKEN Mission trip with Jesus Culture – Romania April 16th – 19th 2020. – POSTPONED

We’re excited to be taking a group of young adults from the West Country to Romania for a short mission trip with Jesus Culture you can find out more here. It’s £300 which includes most of the expenses apart from flights. Message AWAKEN on facebook to book your place on our team. Please let us know if you are coming by Jan 10th 2020.



AWAKEN has been gatherings those aged 18-30s since 2018 hosting various events to meet God and his family (from all churches both large and small).

We gather through worshiping Jesus and praying for each other along with drinking coffee, eating cookies and much more.

If you’ve never been to church and you are a young adult you are very welcome to join us for any of our events… we’d love to meet you.  

See our upcoming Young Adult AWAKEN events for the next time you can connect, we host something FREE every month: it’s usually a mix of visiting speakers, bands, socials and plenty of space for worship.

You can also read our Vision & Story here

Revelation 3v2 “Wake up! Strengthen what remains”

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We’d love to hear from you!

To contact us simply fill out the form below or contact us through social media. You can also sign up to our newsletter here!